How Long Until January 22nd?
Seven weeks.
49 days.
(As of this writing) 1173.5 hours.
70408 minutes.
What're we gonna do?!!
Well, there is that little thing called "Christmas" coming up. Unfortunately, not much in the way of Heroes stuff (despite NBC's hyping of new stuff at their website. See that "Save the cheerleader" t-shirt they showed? That was the only new thing they've got. Nice going, peacock. Several weeks after so many versions of the same shirt showed up at
And there's the websites and podcasts. Click on some links on the right and check them out if you haven't already.
And I plan to step up to the plate. I hate the hiatus, too, and the lack of Heroes stuff to bide my time. I hope to keep things going on this blog with all sorts of cool stuff to talk about, like the show, maybe get into those comics reviews I wanted to do to point some cool comics you might want to check out, as well as other shows the Heroes cast has done. Anything else you wanna see? Then e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. Or if you want to say anything else, I'd love to hear from you and know somebody's reading this.
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