All about the NBC TV series Heroes, as well as related comics topics.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Sylar Theory

Seems that all the theories out there about Sylar (the Telekinetic brain thief that we apparently have to save the cheerleader from) is that's he a future version of one of the characters, from Future Peter to Future Bennet Family Dog.
I say Uh Uh.
He ain't from the future.
How's come? Well, Hiro has the time travel thing down, and there hasn't been a duplication of powers amongst the ones we've seen so far, even across genetic lines.
"Okay, smart guy", you say "Who is he, then?" know that fan speculation was somewhat confirmed in "Seven Minutes to Midnight" that HRG is finding potential heroes and doing something to them so their powers somehow develop? "What a twist!" as M. Night Shamalamadingdong would say in Robot Chicken. What if we continue twisting and say that the late Dr. Suresh was doing the same thing?
And what if one of the people he did it to became Sylar?
How about that? The people we thought were the hero and villain of the show are now reversed.
To continue, what if whatever happened to Sylar involved using something from peoples' brains? What if Sylar still needs it for some reason (hunger, to control himself, etc)? That's why he's doing what he's doing. That it isn't villainous intent but like a vampire or Frankenstein's monster it's because of what was done to him?
Well, that's my theory. What's yours?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on the conversation between Chandra Suresh and Sylar recorded on Chandra's answering machine, I don't think Chandra intentionally made Sylar the way he is. I don't think Chandra is/was a villian. Chandra tells Sylar he must stop but Sylar says he knows he should but he can't and he doesn't want to.

I also am going to disagree with the cannibalistic theory that Sylar eats his victims' brains. Sylar had a book about brains in his New York apartment that Eden referred to as "some light reading". I think Sylar is intelligent and is able to learn something by studying the brains of his victims, like HRG studies his captures. Also, Sylar may just be taking and hiding the brains from people like HRG.

Finally, taking brains may just be Sylar's signature and have no other meaning. If these heroes' abilities are genetically based, then there wouldn't be any benefit to getting their brains unless you could alter your own genetic makeup. If that's the case, then Sylar is infinitely mutable and dangerous.

10:01 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am thinking that the whole brain thing is because there is some organization (HRG?) that is attempting to understand how the brains of these enhanced humans operate in order to find ways to either control or duplicate the process? I can see them sectioning these brains to see how their brains differ from regular humans.

Remember that only brains of enhanced humans are being taken. Which leads me to wonder what powers did the mother and father of that girl in the first episode have? And does that girl, who we have not seen since, have any powers and will we see her again?

12:07 PM

Blogger Tony Collett said...

I didn't mean to say that I thought Sylar was eating peoples' brains. I listed hunger as one possibility, with extracting a chemical or some part of the brain for some unknown purpose. Reading my post, I could see where one could come to that conclusion, sorry about that.
I didn't think about studying brains as a possibility until you mentioned it.
Yes, I did notice it was only enhanced humans' brains Sylar is taking. Another vote for the studying theory.
Thanks to both of you and anyone else for reading. Sometimes I think it's just 5 people reading my blogs. If anyone else out there could post even if it's just to say you're reading this, that'd be great. I only ask if you don't like something, tell me why. Who knows, I might stop doing it.

3:39 PM


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