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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Seven Minutes to Midnight Thoughts

Well, I finally watched last night's episode "Seven Minutes to Midnight". Another great episode. Thoughts after the cut (and I haven't read anything online, so they're purely my own. Anything new I'll put a bold Update flag for you)...
I wondered when Eden said she would clean and teach Issac if she might have powers, too. This seemed to be confirmed when she told HRG that not only was his addiction cured, he physcially didn't need it anymore. Issac can paint without the H, but the clock's ticking for the cheerleader... Later, when HRG plans to inject Issac to paint what happens when he can't use his power after being cured, Eden refuses, saying "You said when we started that I would never have to do it again. You promised me." HRG reminds her of where he found her (perhaps harkening back to when she told Issac she went through the same thing as well), and... Did what she did before have to do with Sylar?
Could Mohinder's dreams showed him his father's fate be a power of his own manifesting?
I liked Hiro's new girlfriend (well, if she ain't, she should be) and I cursed worse than a Tourette's patient stepping on a rake when Sylar killed her (parallelling her opening the can before) I had some speculation here, but as I thought I was venturing into territories that the podcasts put at the end so people that don't want spoiled can stop listening, I'm going to put it in a separate post.
And what about Ted? He escapes. To New York? Is Kurt Russell available for comment ^_^?
Well, that's what I thought when I saw the episode. How about you?



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